In a place like Snowdonia, Wales; weather forecasts are often dotted with high chances of thunderstorms, rain, and strong winds. When climber Delyth Owen was diagnosed in 2017 with a Functional Neurological Disorder, manifesting in seizures and episodic loss of control of mind and body, her inner landscape began to mirror the tumultuous Welsh skies. For Owen, finding strength and serenity on the sheer rock of a severe landscape has become much more than an athletic pursuit or a mental exercise, as she realises along the way that the challenges of life are not an impasse but another wall to be scaled.


OFFICIAL SELECTION ‘Mountainfilm Telluride 2022’
OFFICIAL SELECTION ‘Kendal Mountain Film Festival 2022’
OFFICIAL SELECTION ‘Kathmandu International Film Festival 2022’
OFFICIAL SELECTION ‘Chamonix International Film Festival 2022’
OFFICIAL SELECTION ‘Femmes En Montagne' 2022’
OFFICIAL SELECTION ‘Sheffield International Film Festival 2022’

Directed and Produced by: Chris Thomas
DOP: Lee Thomas
Drone Pilot: Ben Hoy-Slot
Camera Assistant: Richard Standen
Composer: Tom Player
Colour House: Cheat - Grade: Vlad Barin - Post-Producer: April-Rae Hughes
Sound: Factory - Sound Designer: Michael Haines
Sound Production: Deborah Whitfield 
Camera Hire: No Drama
Lighting: MBS Equipment
Voiceover Studio: Stiwdio Sain

Behind the Scenes